Welcome Note

Welcome to the 6th Grade Page! Each post below pertains to something the class is currently working on, or something they will be learning about within the week. Homework for the week will be posted on or before every Monday.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Incoming Student Supplies List

So many supplies!
Hello!  You should have received a letter detailing the list of supplies that your student will need for the upcoming year.  Please feel free to bring these supplies to orientation on Thursday, August 30th, at 7:00 pm.  
  1. English Standard Version Bible (Other versions acceptable, but this version is preferred)
  2.  Webster’s Dictionary & Thesaurus (Desk Size)
  3.  Two 1-Inch Three Ring Binders (For classwork)
  4. One 2-Inch Binder (For homework)
  5. Two packages (200 sheets) of college ruled notebook paper
  6. Three sets of 5-tab dividers
  7. One spiral notebook to journal in. (80 sheets)
  8. One package of 10-12 plain wooden plain pencils (Will be shared with the class)
  9. One package of 10-12 blue or black pens
  10. Backpack
  11. Pencil Box
  12.  Hand held pencil sharpener 
  13.  Two large erasers
  14. Package of Markers
  15.  Colored Pencils
  16.  Student Scissors
  17. One bottle of glue
  18.  Two boxes of tissues
  19. Bottle of Anti-bacterial gel
  20.  Compass and Protractor
  21.  Ruler
  22. One package of Dry-Erase markers (Will be shared with the class)

Some of these supplies will need to be replenished periodically throughout the year.
 If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the school.