Spelling and Vocabulary List-
***Please copy your list words three or more times,and your definitions twice for ALL Monday homework assignments***
Spelling List:
- sentimental- marked by tender or romantic feelings
- assent- to express acceptance of an opinion; to agree
- resentment- a feeling of having been wronged
- sensitive-easily influenced or offended
- obstructed- blocked; hindered
- destruction- total ruin
- contrast- a great or striking difference
- contrary- opposed; opposite; completely different
- controversy- a dispute; an argument
- nonprofit-working without the intent of gaining income
- noneffective- not bringing about the desired effect
- noncommittal- not revealing one's opinion
- nondescript- hard to describe; not any kind in particular
- noncontagious- not catching; not able to carry illness to another
- capitalistic- pertaining to the private ownership of property
Reading Vocabulary-
- distraught- upset; distressed
- emanate- to flow out; to radiate
- impenetrable- inaccessible;indestructible
- omnipotent- all powerful; supernatural strength
- trepidation- anxiety; fear