Welcome Note

Welcome to the 6th Grade Page! Each post below pertains to something the class is currently working on, or something they will be learning about within the week. Homework for the week will be posted on or before every Monday.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Manzanar Pictures: Day 2

The view from breakfast

Our friendly neighbors

Learning in action

Group Photo

Pictures at the Center

Pictures at the Center

The Wall of Names

Acting Serious


Transportation from the 40's

Taking Pictures

Near the Barracks

At  the Mess Hall

Taking pictures

A stone garden

Pieces left from times past

Through the garden

At the Cemetary

Taking pictures

At the Graveyard

Leaving Manzanar

Monday, October 28, 2013

Pictures from Manzanar

     We began our tour thinking about what we would pack if we knew we were being taken to Manzanar.  Over the process, the students learned about what life was like being interned here.  The weather was chilly and the wind blustered through our group as Carrie, our tour guide, asked some pretty tough questions.  What would you really need for an extended stay here?  How would you even begin to prepare, if you had no idea how long your stay would be?  The kids thought long and hard, and after dinner, the discussion was quite serious.  It is often times a little too easy on field trips to go places and not process things fully. This is definitely not the case here.  Each student came away from dinner with a better understanding of how people are supposed to be treated. To them, this trip to Manzanar should serve as an ever present reminder of the inherent worth of a person, and by no means should that worth eve be taken away.  

Our first stop: Lunch!

Yummy Carl's Jr

Patiently waiting on our food

The view from the restaurant

In the car

Arriving at Manzanar

Learning from Carrie

Following an Internee's story

Original photographs taken from a homemade camera

Many stories of people to follow

The names of all interned here

Taking a tour

The barracks

Our maps of the site

Does this look comfortable??


Waiting in line at the mess hall

Hearing stories from Carrie

On a journey through Manzanar

One of the gardens

The auditorium

Making beautiful things

Exploring the grounds

At dinner

Being silly


Thinking hard.