Welcome Note

Welcome to the 6th Grade Page! Each post below pertains to something the class is currently working on, or something they will be learning about within the week. Homework for the week will be posted on or before every Monday.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Call It Courage Vocabulary

  1. impending-  about to happen 
  2. islet- a small island 
  3. atoll- an island consisting of a circular coral reef surrounding a lagoon 
  4. jibes- teasing, taunting, mocking 
  5. pandanus- a palmlike plant whose fibers are used for weaving 
  6. buoyant- able to float
  7. dismal- depressing; causing gloom or misery; causing bad feelings 
  8. idly- Not working or active; doing nothing; lazily; without purpose or direction
  9. ominous- giving the impression that something bad is going to happen
  10. ballast -heavy substance used to add stability or weight 
  11. tumult -a state of commotion and noise and confusion 
  12. quailing- fearful
  13. tantalizing- adj. provoking or arousing expectation, interest, or desire 
  14. cauterize- burn a wound with hot iron or caustic substance to stop bleeding and prevent infection 
  15. extricated- to free or release from entanglement 
  16. irresolute- unable to make up one's mind, hesitating 
  17. deftly- quickly and skillfully 
  18. veritable- authentic; genuine 
  19. prodigious- immense; extraordinary in bulk, size, or degree 
  20. rip-tide- a strong surface current flowing outwards from a shore