Welcome Note

Welcome to the 6th Grade Page! Each post below pertains to something the class is currently working on, or something they will be learning about within the week. Homework for the week will be posted on or before every Monday.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Spelling List #19

Spelling and Vocabulary List-
***Please copy your list words three or more times,and your definitions twice for ALL Monday homework assignments***
Spelling List:

  1. vocation- a special calling; one's occupation
  2. convocation- a special assembly or meeting
  3. evoke- to call forth; to draw forth
  4. provoked- stirred into action; irritated
  5. revoked- repealed; canceled
  6. advocate- a person who pleads for the cause of another; a lawyer
  7. vocal- oral; uttered by the voice
  8. unify- to combine into one
  9. unilateral- one-sided
  10. permanent- lasting
  11. perforate- to make holes through
  12. extravagant- too much; wasteful
  13. extracurricular- outside the regular course of study
  14. percentage- a part of a whole expressed in hundredths
  15. juvenile- pertaining to young people
Reading Vocabulary:
  1. dubious- doubtful; uncertain; questionable
  2. morass- a wet, swampy bog; something that traps and confuses
  3. deft-skillful; nimble
  4. paltry- ridiculously or insultingly small

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Spelling List #16

Spelling and Vocabulary List-
***Please copy your list words three or more times,and your definitions twice for ALL Monday homework assignments***
Spelling List:
  1. sentimental- marked by tender or romantic feelings
  2. assent- to express acceptance of an opinion; to agree
  3. resentment- a feeling of having been wronged
  4. sensitive-easily influenced or offended
  5. obstructed- blocked; hindered
  6. destruction- total ruin
  7. contrast- a great or striking difference
  8. contrary- opposed; opposite; completely different
  9. controversy- a dispute; an argument
  10. nonprofit-working without the intent of gaining income
  11. noneffective- not bringing about the desired effect
  12. noncommittal- not revealing one's opinion
  13. nondescript- hard to describe; not any kind in particular
  14. noncontagious- not catching; not able to carry illness to another
  15. capitalistic- pertaining to the private ownership of property
Reading Vocabulary-
  1. distraught- upset; distressed
  2. emanate- to flow out; to radiate
  3. impenetrable- inaccessible;indestructible
  4. omnipotent- all powerful; supernatural strength
  5. trepidation- anxiety; fear

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Field Trip Reminders: Reagan Library

Please remember to bring a sack lunch in a disposable package.  We will be walking and touring the Library, and it will be difficult to carry lunch pails around.  Wear good walking shoes, but feel free to dress up a bit!  We will be leaving the school at 7:15 a.m. and hope to be back around 4 p.m. (Traffic permitting).

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Spelling List #15

Spelling and Vocabulary List-
***Please copy your list words three or more times,and your definitions twice for ALL Monday homework assignments***
Spelling List:
  1. salvage- to save something after it appears to be lost
  2. salve- a healing ointment
  3. conscious- knowing; aware
  4. inscription- that which is written or engraved on stone, paper, or metal
  5. manuscript- written or typed version of a book (as opposed to printed)
  6. circumference- the distance around a circle
  7. circulation- continuous movement around from one place to another
  8. paraphrase- a rewording of the meaning
  9. paramount- supreme; dominant; most important
  10. paradox- a statement that seems to say two opposite things
  11. indulgence- the act of being permissive; leniency
  12. correspondence- communication by letter
  13. reverence- a feeling of deep love and respect
  14. proficiency- skillfulness; expertness
  15. urgency- a need for action

Reading Vocabulary:
  1. aberration- change from the normal
  2. myopic- nearsighted; short sighted
  3. obliquely- indirectly
  4. perturbed- troubled; upset
  5. precipitously-abruptly; steeply

Monday, January 4, 2016

Research Report Information

Research Report Rough Drafts are due THIS WEEK FRIDAY.  The Final Draft will be due next week.  Please make sure you are working away at these!!