Welcome Note

Welcome to the 6th Grade Page! Each post below pertains to something the class is currently working on, or something they will be learning about within the week. Homework for the week will be posted on or before every Monday.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Spelling List : Week 14 List 14

Spelling List:

  1.  phonics- the study of the sound of letters
  2. symphony- a composition for a full orchestra
  3. metropolitan-traits associated with a sizable city or urban area
  4. cosmopolitan- representative of all the world; at home in all countries
  5. abruptly- broken off suddenly; curtly
  6. disrupt- to break apart; to disturb
  7. misconception- a mistaken idea; misunderstanding
  8. miscalculate- to come up with the wrong answer; to miscount
  9. abstain- to refrain from
  10. abnormal- not like the majority; unusual
  11. absolute- complete; pure
  12. altitude- the height of a thing above the earth's surface or above sea level
  13. attitude- a person's manner of acting or his feelings
  14. aptitude- talent; ability
  15. solitude- the state of being alone
Reading Vocabulary:
  1. melancholy-characterized by or causing or expressing sadness
  2. conducive- helpful or constructive
  3. liable- responsible for
  4. meager- small or insufficient
  5. corroborate- to confirm by giving supporting evidence
  6. adversary- an enemy or challenger

Monday, December 1, 2014

Spelling List: Week 13 List 12

Spelling and Vocabulary List-
***Please copy your list words three or more times,and your definitions twice for ALL Monday homework assignments***

Spelling List:

  1. remittance- money sent by mail
  2. intermittent- stopping (leaving off), then starting again
  3. medieval- pertaining to the Middle Ages
  4. mediocre- ordinary
  5. bestow- to give as a gift
  6. besieged- made a long, continual attack
  7. beguiled- deceived
  8. bedraggled- wet and dirty
  9.  befuddled- confused
  10. clarify- to make clear
  11. dignify- to make noble or proper
  12. simplify- to make plainer or easier
  13. rectify- to make right; to correct
  14. intensify- to make stronger or greater
  15. glorify- to worship or praise
Reading Vocabulary:

  1. palpable- capable of being touched; easily recognized
  2. relinquish- to give up something
  3. caustic- severe; cruel; biting
  4. incessant- continuing for a long time without stopping
  5. susceptible- easily affected under an influence
  6. incoherent- without logic or meaningful connection