Welcome Note

Welcome to the 6th Grade Page! Each post below pertains to something the class is currently working on, or something they will be learning about within the week. Homework for the week will be posted on or before every Monday.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Manzanar: an end to Day One

Thus ends another wonderful day of learning on a 6th grade field trip. Today we visited Manzanar relocation center, located near Lone Pine, CA. Today we explored the relocation center and saw the result of how one foolish decision can affect generations of people. Lives were turned upside down overnight simply out of fear, prejudice and ignorance. People like us caused these things to transpire, and it is our duty to protect future generations from being put in or causing such things to happen. It starts small; an offhand comment, a silly prank, and can become something much more harmful. Think about it. How can you be the bigger person? The challenge is to set an example and show the rest of the school that although you are older, you still want to love and respect them. Please think about it.