Welcome Note

Welcome to the 6th Grade Page! Each post below pertains to something the class is currently working on, or something they will be learning about within the week. Homework for the week will be posted on or before every Monday.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Spelling List- Week 6 List 6

Spelling and Vocabulary List-
***Please copy your list words three or more times,and your definitions twice for ALL Monday homework assignments***

Spelling List-
  1. fortify-to make strong or secure
  2. geode- a limestone rock with crystals inside
  3. geology- the study of the earth through rocks
  4. bisect- to divide into two equal parts
  5. biennial- occurring every two years
  6. triangle- a three sided figure
  7. triune- being three in one
  8. defiance- non-cooperation; rebelliousness; deliberate disobedience
  9. assistance- help or support
  10. hindrance- something that gets in the way
  11. allegiance- devotion; loyalty
  12. repentance- sorrow for having done wrong and a desire to correct it
  13. abundance- much more than enough
  14. resemblance- likeness
  15. endurance- the power to keep on without giving up
Reading Vocabulary-
  1. impending- about to happen
  2. despairing- hopeless
  3. buoyant- able to float
  4. dismal- miserable or dreary
  5. ominous- giving the impression that something bad is coming