Welcome Note

Welcome to the 6th Grade Page! Each post below pertains to something the class is currently working on, or something they will be learning about within the week. Homework for the week will be posted on or before every Monday.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Spelling List #10

***Please copy your list words three or more times,and your definitions twice for ALL Monday homework assignments***

Spelling List:
  1. dehydrate- to remove water from
  2. hydrophobia- an abnormal fear of water
  3. congratulate- to express pleasure over someone's success
  4. grateful-thankful
  5. gracious-courteous and kind
  6. renovate- to make like new again
  7. reject- to cast off
  8. reassure-to encourage-
  9. revise- to read over carefully and improve
  10. reserve- to set apart for later or some special purpose
  11. contradictory- opposite; contrary
  12. satisfactory- adequate; good enough to fulfill the need
  13. predatory- living by feeding upon other animals
  14. directory- a list of names and addresses
  15. observatory- a building for observing planets and stars
    Reading Vocabulary:
    1. endeavor- to work hard at; something that takes serious effort
    2. labyrinth- a maze
    3. scavengers- someone who searches through discarded items
    4. plummeting- falling straight down
    5. reverberating- echoing